Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So, want cheaper gas?

Want to stop payrolling Islamic Terrorism and Hugo every time you fill up?

All you have to do is yell at your Representatives and Senators. Tell them to stop being hypocrites and treating us like idiots - because that is what they are doing.
The U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to suspend oil deliveries to the country's Strategic Petroleum Reserve until crude prices fall below $75 a barrel, repudiating the Bush administration's policy of boosting the stockpile at time of record oil and gasoline prices.

The proposal to halt shipments to the emergency oil reserve, which cleared the Senate in a 97 to 1 vote, was tacked on to a flood insurance reform bill that also passed.

The House of Representatives was expected later on Tuesday to vote on a similar measure that supporters believed would put more oil supplies in the market and help lower energy prices.
Here is the rub. We put about 70,000 barrels a day into the Strategic Reserve. You know where I am going.
Separately, the Senate rejected a broader Republican energy measure which in addition to stopping oil deliveries to the reserve would have allowed oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and off coastal states where energy exploration is now banned.
And how much would that give us .... not to even talk (now) about what is off FL and CA.
The Energy Department, ... estimates the wildlife preserve could yield a million barrels of oil a day..
Senate Democratic leaders on Monday urged President George W. Bush to use his upcoming trip to the Middle East to convince Saudi Arabia to pump more oil and help lower record crude and gasoline prices.

"We urge you to use this opportunity to request that the Saudi government take steps to reduce the record high prices American drivers are paying for gasoline at the pump and urge them to take steps to bring those prices down as rapidly as possible," the lawmakers said in a letter to Bush.
Angry? Focus it where it belongs - and use facts.

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