Monday, February 05, 2007

One of Arkin's Mercs

Most of you are familiar with the accident on the USS Cable. The best coverage has been with Bubblehead and FbL. FbL has an important post that you should read. Go over to her place to see the whole letter, but here is a lead-in;
First, let me say thank you to all of you in Soldiers' Angels. Your Group are really wonderful and great.
We have 2 kids [ages 14 and 12]. My husband and I are both from the Philippines and migrated here in the states some 20 years ago.

My husband was station in USS Frank Cable in Guam just a couple of months when the unfortunate accident happen in the ship. Him and other sailors (7) were involved in a steam burn due to one of the boiler exploded. They said he was a hero for he stayed to shut down the boiler before it can cause more life in the ship. That is why until now he is still in ICU burn unit here in Brooks Army Medical Center, Texas. They were transported here from Guam last December 1,2006 and till now he is still fighting to survived due to 75% bodily burn and extensive steam inhalation lung burn. He had about four skin graft surgery which I almost lost him and still more to come.
To all the members of Soldiers Angels that sent my husband well wishes and prayers I am very thankful and appreciate you all.

For all the goodies I receive and for the [Valour-IT] laptop that my husband got thank you.

And if ever I have forgotten to say thank you with others, I say thank you now.

Remember, it isn't just in direct contact with the enemy that people give their all for their nation. Also remember, through the programs above, you can help - it is just a click away.

The letter also reminded me of one of the truths little known outside the Navy. As anyone who has ever been on a LDO/CWO board can tell you - Americans who were born in the Philippines have greatly contributed and continue to contribute to the US Navy. Great Sailors, Shipmates, and patriots.

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