Monday, November 21, 2005

When Ralphs attack

Man, oh Manischewitz. This weekend it looks like Ralph ran out of Metamucil, someone ran over his dog, stole his truck, and pee-peed on his cornflakes.

Oh, and the Left flank of our formation turned yellow.
How to loose a war.

QUIT. It's that simple. There are plenty of more complex ways to lose a war, but none as reliable as just giving up.
No matter how great your team, you can't win the game if you walk off the field at half-time. That's precisely what the Democratic Party wants America to do in Iraq. Forget the fact that we've made remarkable progress under daunting conditions: The Dems are looking to throw the game just to embarrass the Bush administration.

Forget about the consequences. Disregard the immediate encouragement to the terrorists and insurgents to keep killing every American soldier they can. ...don't mention how a U.S. surrender would turn al Qaeda into an Islamic superpower, the champ who knocked out Uncle Sam in the third round.
... Forget about our dead soldiers, whose sacrifice is nothing but a political club for Democrats to wave in front of the media. ... Forget that our combat veterans are re-enlisting at remarkable rates — knowing they'll have to leave their families and go back to war again. Ignore the progress on the ground, the squeezing of the insurgency's last strongholds into the badlands on the Syrian border. Blow off the successive Iraqi elections and the astonishing cooperation we've seen between age-old enemies as they struggle to form a decent government.
Just set a time-table for our troops to come home and show the world that America is an unreliable ally with no stomach for a fight, no matter the stakes involved. Tell the world that deserting the South Vietnamese and fleeing from Somalia weren't anomalies — that's what Americans do.
Whatever you do, don't talk about any possible consequences. ... America's security? Hah! As long as the upcoming elections show Democratic gains, let the terrorist threat explode. ... For God's sake, don't talk about democracy in the Middle East. After all, democracy wasn't much fun for the Dems in 2000 or 2004. Why support it overseas, when it's been so disappointing at home?
Snark! I liked that lil bit.
All that matters is scoring political points. Let the world burn. Let the massacres run on.
There's plenty I don't like about the Bush administration. Its domestic policies disgust me, and the Bushies got plenty wrong in Iraq. But at least they'll fight. The Dems are ready to betray our troops, our allies and our country's future security for a few House seats.

Surrender is never a winning strategy.
What do the Democrats fear? An American success in Iraq. They need us to fail, and they're going to make us fail, no matter the cost. They need to declare defeat before the 2006 mid-term elections and ensure a real debacle before 2008 — a bloody mess they'll blame on Bush, even though they made it themselves. ... Let's just be good Democrats and prove that Osama bin Laden was right all along: Americans have no stomach for a fight.
If we run away from our enemies overseas, our enemies will make their way to us. Quit Iraq, and far more than 2,000 Americans are going to die.
What he said. Ralph, just for that, I will forgive the whole "coward" thingy.

Read the whole thing.

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