Sunday, December 25, 2011



  1. LT B06:25

    Somebody would sue now adays.  Oh well.  Merry Christmas to all.  Enjoy the love, enjoy the day, enjoy the warmth and friendship of the day and in your darker days, remember back to Christmas and try to bring forth some of that Christmas morning feeling to lighten your day. 

  2. Byron06:49

    Merry Christmas to all my friends and even those who are not my "friends", as Christ didn't come for a few...He came for all.

  3. Therapist108:37

    Merry Christmas everyone!!

  4. I well remember when this happened...

    Northern Ireland was aflame...

    And my neighborhood had already contributed upwards of 10 percent of the total USN POW population in North Vietnam

    So all in all, I sure am glad to see folks celebrating Christmas the right way...

    Merry Christmas!

  5. AW1 Tim11:54

    I too, remember that Christmas.  I remember watching that transmission with awe.

    God bless us one and all.

  6. Mike M.19:32

    I also remember this.  It's not every day that you receive Christmas greetings from the Moon.

  7. SCOTTtheBADGER06:16

    Unfortuneately, it would probably be a group of fools from here in WI, the Freedom From Religion Foundatio, in Madison.  Sometimes it's embarassing to be from WI.
